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Rick F Guyon - Convolution Integral - Richard F Guyon |
Monday, March 28, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Differential Equations - Convolution Integral - Richard F Guyon
Rick F Guyon - A complex Laplace transform, F(s), will often be recognized as the product of two other transforms, F1(s) and F2(s), whose corresponding functions fi(f) and f2(t) are known. Unfortunately, Laplace transforms cannot be computed with ordinary multiplication. However, it is possible to extract f(t) from the convolution, as calculated from either of the convolution integrals.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Analysis of Accident Data - Richard F Guyon
Rick F Guyon - Accident data are compiled and evaluated to identify hazardous features and locations, set priorities for safety improvements, support economic analysis, and identify patterns, causes and possible countermeasures.
Accidents are classified into three severity categories, depending on whether there is (a) property damage only referred to as PDO accidents, (b) personal injury, or (c) fatalities. The severity ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of injury and fatal accidents divided by the total number of all accidents (including PDO accidents).
It is common to prioritize intersections according to the accident rate, R. The accident rate may be determined for PDO, personal injury, and fatal accidents or the total thereof. The accident ratio is the ration of the number of accidents per year to the average daily traffic, ADT. The rate is reported as RMEV.
- Rick F Guyon - Vehicle Exposure - Richard F Guyon
Routes between points are prioritized according to the accident rate per miles, calculated as the ratio of the number of accidents per year to the ADT per mile of length, counting traffic from all directions in the intersection. For convinces, the rate may be calculated per 100 million vehicle miles.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Speed Degredation on Uphill Grades - Richard F Guyon
Rick F Guyon - Most modern passenger cars traveling on highways are capable of negotiation uphill grades of 4 to 5% without speed decreases blow their initial level-highway sppeds. (Older cars with high mass-to-power ratios and some smaller-sized "economy" vehicles may experience speed decreases.)
Heavy trucks experience greater speed degradation than passenger cars. The primary variables affecting actual speed decreases are the grade steepness, the grade length, and the truck's mass-to-power ration. Mass to power ratios are commonly stated in pounds per horsepower and kilograms per kilowatt.
Heavy trucks experience greater speed degradation than passenger cars. The primary variables affecting actual speed decreases are the grade steepness, the grade length, and the truck's mass-to-power ration. Mass to power ratios are commonly stated in pounds per horsepower and kilograms per kilowatt.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Braking and Deceleration Rate - Richard F Guyon
Rick F Guyon - Continuing on this series on Vehicle Dynamics is Braking and Deceleration Rate.
The maximum deceleration that can be developed in dry weather by a vehicle with tires and brakes in good condition is about 25 ft/sec. (Acceleration and deceleration are sometimes specified in miles per hour per second, or kilometers per hour per second. Multiply mphps by 1.467 to obtain ft/sec and multiply kphps by 0.278 to obtain m/s2. However decelerations of 14 ft/sec are experienced by occupants as uncomfortable and alarming. 11 ft/sec is the appropriate upper limit of desirable decelerations, and approximately 9ft/sec is the maximum comfortable deceleration from high-speed travel.
The maximum deceleration that can be developed in dry weather by a vehicle with tires and brakes in good condition is about 25 ft/sec. (Acceleration and deceleration are sometimes specified in miles per hour per second, or kilometers per hour per second. Multiply mphps by 1.467 to obtain ft/sec and multiply kphps by 0.278 to obtain m/s2. However decelerations of 14 ft/sec are experienced by occupants as uncomfortable and alarming. 11 ft/sec is the appropriate upper limit of desirable decelerations, and approximately 9ft/sec is the maximum comfortable deceleration from high-speed travel.
Rick F Guyon - Stopping Distance - Richard F Guyon
Rick F Guyon - Stopping distance includes the distance traveled before the brakes are applied as well as the distance during the breaking manuever. The breaking perception reaction time is also referred to as the PIEV time, using an acronym for perception, identification, emotion, and volition. PIEV time varies widely from person to person. Though the median value is approximately 0.90 sec for unexpected events, individuals with slow reaction times may require up to 2.7 seconds. 2.5 seconds is the value used by AASHTO for determining the minimum stopping sight distances, the value that is appropriate for approximately 90% for the population.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Coefficient of Friction - Richard F Guyon
Rick F Guyon - In most cases, a vehicle's braking system is able to provide more braking force than can be transmitted to the pavement. Therefore, the maximum deceleration is limited by the coefficient of friction between the tires and pavement.
The coefficient of friction, f, between a vehicle and the supporting roadway is the frictional force divided by the normal force. The normal force is essentially the total weight of the vehicle, w , on all but the most extreme grades. The coefficient of friction is dependent on the condition of the vehicle's tires, the type and condition of the pavement, and the weather conditions.
There are two coefficients of friction: static and dynamic(kinetic). The coefficients of friction may also be referred to as coefficients of road adhesion. The coefficients of static friction is larger than the coefficient of dynamic friction. While a vehicle's tires are rotating, the relative velocity between a point of contact on the tire and roadway are zero and the coefficient of static friction controls.
Once a vehicle enters a skid, however the coefficient of dynamic friction controls. Therefore a vehicle is held to its maximum braking deceleration without entering a skid will take less distance to come to a complete stop than if the vehicle locks up its tires and skids to a stop.
The coefficient of friction is not constant throughout the braking manuever, but varies inversely with speed. This level of sophistication is not normally considered, and an average value that is representative of the speed and conditions are used.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Refresher: Systems of Units - Dimensional Analysis - Richard F Guyon
Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional analysis is a means of obtaining as equation that describes some phenomenon without understanding the mechanism of the phenomenon. The most serious limitation is the need to know beforehand which variables influence the phenomenon. Once these are known or assumed, dimensional analysis can be applied by a routine procedure.
The first step is to select a system of primary dimensions. The dimensional formulas and symbols for variables most frequently encountered are given .
The second step is to write a functional relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable.
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Rick F Guyon - Dimensional Analysis - Richard F Guyon |
Friday, March 18, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Men Do Appreciate a Stylish Woman - Richard F Guyon
So I know I post a lot about the beauty of nature but let me take the time to talk about the beauty of women. Ladies I know it may be hard io is n this day in age of technology where you feel like you are competing with women in the magazines who have unrealistic images. I just want to let all you beautiful women of htr world know that I appreciate you.
And I speak on behalf of all gentleman that we appreciate you. When you do your hair, and you put on your makeup, and you spend hours trying on the right outfit to go out. Boys may not notice but men do.
Nothing I personally like than a woman who takes care of herself. Idaho men tend to be rugged but something about the sensual beauty of woman that brings out that inner best in us.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Rick F Guyon - You Need to Travel! - Richard F Guyon
It's crazy when you read about the stats of Americans who have never travelled outside of their county....let alone outside of their state...let alone out of the country. It's absolutely absurd. EVERYONE NEEDS TO TRAVEL.
Ok...why is travel so important?
• The only thing you take with you are memories....material things means absolutely nothing.
• You gain a different look on things. When you live in your little small town only knowing a one group or a specific group of people your view on things that are outside of that circle are very narrow minded. Traveling the world and learning about other cultures, learning new languages and seeing new things is how we learn.
When a baby is still new he/she puts everything in his mouth. He wants to see everything, touch everything...this is how we learn. If you don't expand your mind and/or your horizons then what have you learned? What have you gained?
Monday, March 14, 2016
Rick F Guyon - I want to try Juicing.
I'm always fascinated with trying new things that promote healthy living. Now I would never recommend juicing for long periods of time. I want to give it a shot? Have you done it before?
If yes how did you feel during? What about afterwards? Please let me know!
Rick F Guyon - The Rat Race & Corporate Politics
Ever notice how there are so many get quick rich schemes and yet....very few actually get rich from them? Because it's not a everyone get rich quick scheme and even those that do well know that you don't get rich quick. People are so captivated by reality tv that allows regular people to gaze into the lives of millionaires or billionaires because it allows them to have a taste of their life style without the amount of work required...
It boggles my mind!
I listen to very few speakers because everyone talks about working hard...but it really is about working smart. It's easy to say...work hard and you will be rich but that's a lie and you and I both know that. You can work hard at McDonalds all your life and have very little to show for it. You can be the best employee at a company and never get a promotion. When has hard work and recognition every been paired together? The rat race means office politics and that means playing smart.
It's been a while since I've been in the corporate grind of things as being my own boss has allowed me to live peacefully in the mountains BUT for many of you I know it's daunting. Learn the ways of the office...who to talk to and who not to talk to. What events to attend and what to say. It might seem silly but it's not...
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Richard F Guyon - Rat Race |
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Obesity in America
These day wherever you turn you can find hundreds of ads all talking about weight loss this and weight loss that. Well how funny that a place that pushes so much fast food in your face also pushes weight loss magic. I wonder if these fast food companies have a share in any weight loss company. That would make sense right?
Well the reality is that as I posted in my last blog post....There are so many things...added fillers that are put into our food. How is that that the U.S which is supposed to be such a first world company has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. It's very interesting to see that pull between being healthy and fit/ giving in to the loads of ads that a regular person can see just within one show viewing.
Get out more and exercise! Less fast food more fruits and veggies! People say "Oh well that's harder than it sounds" Ok...because you are only calculating the cost of the food now...versus how much money in the future you will spend dealing with the accompanying issues of obesity.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Genetically Modified Food.
Rick F Guyon - Now I'm no scientists....but I wonder if people truly care about the whole GMO thing or is it just a fad to distract the 99% of some serious other issues or things that are happening right now.
As much as people want to talk about Monsanto...the US Market's fish supply is all genetically modified. All of our meat is genetically modified....unless otherwise stated. All of our veggies are genetically modified. And even if a farmer did not have that intention it's not impossible for those plants to cross breed with a genetically modified plant causing its offspring to be genetically modified. Ok...so where do you start? Where do you go? What do you eat?
Good question. Let me know when you figure that one out.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Trip TO LA!!!!
So I realized....that for those of you just sttarted reading my blog....welcome to the beginning! Seriously.
Ok so I'm going to be in LA really quick and I'll be back so during that time except lots of complaining and city pics!
Ok so I'm going to be in LA really quick and I'll be back so during that time except lots of complaining and city pics!
Rick F Guyon - Human Interactions
With the increase of technology in our society it seems like it's getting harder and harder to just have a regular conversation without them looking at their phone every 4 seconds. I don't think I'm old fashioned which just wanting to have stimulating human interactions like simply talking face to face with a person.
I know...this is #firstworldprobs. But seriously. I'll walk by a group of kids and all of them are literally just on their phones...who are they talking to? What are they doing? Why aren't they talking to each other. Am I the only one is bugged by this? And why come everytime I say something about this people tell me that I sound like a "hipster". My goodness if that's what it means to be a hipster I guess that's what I am. See when I talk to someone I like to actually talk to them and not at my cellphone or laptop.
I dunno...I'm a hipster I guess.
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Rick F Guyon - Richard F Guyon - Baby Hooked |
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Richard F Guyon - Light Pollution
It's sad that for many people around the world they will not be able to look at the night sky and see the stars like our ancestors did. It wasn't just one or two dots. They could see the bands of our galaxy. They could see other galaxies and other planets. How come we don't have that same view?
Light Pollution - For those of you that live in the city...the lights coming from the streetlights, homes, apartments you name it creates a halo almost that doesn't allow us to see the stars visibly. See in the city it never really is dark. When you look at a city hub from the outskirts of town you can see that glow in the sky..well the glow also prevents you from seeing the beauty of space and what we have so much yet to learn.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Things in Perspective
Rick F Guyon - When you look up at the night sky….you are looking at the past. The nearest sun closest to our sun takes 4 years for its light to reach us. That means that what we see is the remains of light from 4 years ago. Think about it. The universe is so vast and expansive….and we know little to nothing about it. Just to think we don’t even know our own bodies. We don’t have the cure to cancer….you haven’t explored the oceans. Our technological advances have really just come within the last 100 years.
When you think about it makes you think about what we do know. How little we know. And with that small ounce of knowledge we do have maybe we shouldn’t assume to know it all.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Rick F Guyon - Taking the time to just breath
Rick F Guyon - Soooooo today I woke up and admired the natural beauty of my home. Sometimes we get carried away with what we have to do. Whether it's the next research project, the next step, all the tasks and errands we have for the day....it's hard to just stop and breathe.
There is a saying I love. It says:
Makes you stop and chuckle. The only thing that comes to us all is death and taxes. So chill out...take 10 minutes out of your day to admire where you are and your life so far. Then when that is all done you can go back to your hectic day. I have a lot of work to do today but I know I am a lot more productive when I'm in a restful state of mind. - Richard F Guyon
There is a saying I love. It says:
"Don't take life too seriously...It's not like you are going to make it out alive."
Makes you stop and chuckle. The only thing that comes to us all is death and taxes. So chill out...take 10 minutes out of your day to admire where you are and your life so far. Then when that is all done you can go back to your hectic day. I have a lot of work to do today but I know I am a lot more productive when I'm in a restful state of mind. - Richard F Guyon
Saturday, March 5, 2016
About Rick F. Guyon
So let me start about me.
My name is Rick F. Guyon. I am an engineering currently residing in Idaho. So why did I start this account? To give you...a perfect stranger some insight into my life living here in the mountains. I hope that you will follow my journey!
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