Saturday, March 12, 2016

Rick F Guyon - Obesity in America

These day wherever you turn you can find hundreds of ads all talking about weight loss this and weight loss that. Well how funny that a place that pushes so much fast food in your face also pushes weight loss magic. I wonder if these fast food companies have a share in any weight loss company. That would make sense right?
Well the reality is that as I posted in my last blog post....There are so many things...added fillers that are put into our food. How is that that the U.S which is supposed to be such a first world company has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. It's very interesting to see that pull between being healthy and fit/ giving in to the loads of ads that a regular person can see just within one show viewing.

Get out more and exercise! Less fast food more fruits and veggies! People say "Oh well that's harder than it sounds" Ok...because you are only calculating the cost of the food now...versus how much money in the future you will spend dealing with the accompanying issues of obesity. 
Rick F Guyon - Richard F Guyon

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